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(#118 (permalink))
SHAD0W (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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04-21-2011, 11:58 AM

Originally Posted by RobinMask View Post
I have to ask, as you've been in Japan, but how common are those kinds of insects? Are they more common in rural areas than in cities? If I was in Tokyo, for example, could I easily avoid them?

Also with the gigantic, radioactive mutant sizes of them . . . how do you kill them or get them out of your house/apartment?
I tried to beat them with a shoe or a slipper but they're far too fast. They move like the face hugger spiders from Alien. My host brother chased them with bug spray. But I don't know if it works because they always came back. I stayed in sub-urban area so I can't comment on how often you'll see them.

I'm sorry for all the bad stuff I said and all the feelings I hurt.. Please forgive me
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