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JF Ossan
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04-21-2011, 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
yes. there are specialized sites, and so does everything else has. and still anime is small part of illegal downloads overall.
for anime "average contemporary anime licensing starts at around $20,000 per episode and can go as high as $80,000 per episode" not to mention cost of dubbing ....i say - seeing how money isn't as big as for movies, it is quite a lot.
There are no anime publishers that can afford to pay $20,000 to $80,000 an episode for licensing. A 24 episode series at $50,000 per episode would cost the American distributor, before production, voice actors, shipping, etc. $1,200,000 just to get the door open. For many anime distributors, that is more money than they can make in over a year.

I would check your sources on that (and feel free to show your source). Anime distributors are not that insane.

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
and if they feel like illegal downloading is pushing them down then it is simply because the fan base itself is small. every product suffers from downloads on the internet - what others do and make it more popular so you can get by.
Wait a minute. Didn't you just say this?:

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
illegal downloading has only affected music business. and even that by a little %.
I am the one that said all media suffers from internet DLs. So which one is it?

Yes, when an industry is small it is more affected by illegal DLs, because every stolen title is a larger % of the bottom line.

How do you "make something more popular"? If you could answer that, you'd be a billionaire.

Originally Posted by evanny View Post
i think its possible that without illegal downloads, anime, manga in western countries could suffer even more. anime dvds are a risky thing to invest your money compared to movies/music since they very often can disappoint and you can't judge anime sieries by trailers like movies, however lot of people after seeing it on the web buy and even spread the word.
Of course you can judge anime movies and series by trailers, just like you can with movies. A small % of people will buy it after stealing it, but they are certainly the minority.

The problem now, especially in the manga and anime "fan" community is that the culture of stealing is so ingrained, that many young people don't even realize what they are doing is wrong or illegal. What the manga (my focus) companies need to do is give the fans a better online or electronic experience than they can get from scanlations. An example of this is the ComiXology reader. And give it to them at a reasonable price.
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