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protheus (Offline)
Arthur et Les Minimoys
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04-21-2011, 09:36 PM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
What the manga (my focus) companies need to do is give the fans a better online or electronic experience than they can get from scanlations. An example of this is the ComiXology reader. And give it to them at a reasonable price.
Exactly, who adapts to present conditions survives, who stays with the old ways will eventually "fade away".
Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Look at sales of music 20 years ago and look at it now, and tell me illegal downloading isn't a significant reason for the crumbling of the music industry.
Not really, production costs where a lot higher, so was the logistics involved (cd printing, cover printing, transport expenses of a CD) and the final shop costs. Now to maintain an online music store, you have less than a quarter the expenses. And even though you sale a lot cheaper and your anual total income is less than 75% (just a estimation for exemplification purposes) of what you used to have, your total profit exceeds the ex ones.
BTW, every time you listen to an officially listed song on youtube, the artist gets a bit of money, also, every electronic device that can capture, record or listen/watch through, includes a so called copyright tax (which is applied in almost 60% of countries worldwide), in case you use it to copy something. So they are not really loosing exactly the high amount of money they are pretending.

Reverse psychology, "dear Watson", reverse psychology.
"Manganese? Is that manga language?" - lol?

Last edited by protheus : 04-21-2011 at 09:50 PM.
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