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JF Ossan
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04-21-2011, 09:48 PM

Originally Posted by protheus View Post
Exactly, who adapts to present conditions survives, who stays with the old ways will eventually "fade away".

Not really, production costs where a lot higher, so was the logistics involved (cd printing, cover printing, transport expenses of a CD) and the final shop costs. Now to maintain an online music store, you have less than a quarter the expenses. And even though you sale a lot cheaper and your anual total income is less than 75% (estimation), your total profit exceeds the ex ones.
You are making my case for me. Yes, it is much less expensive to make and produce music these days, and they are STILL losing money. They have eliminated much of the "physical" product, so what you are buying is data. The cost to produce a single physical CD is monumentally higher than an MP3, which is basically zero. But 20 years ago you would have several platinum singles (1,000,000 sales) a month. Now it is several a year.
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