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Maxful (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 589
Join Date: Sep 2010
Problem with particles - 04-22-2011, 12:13 AM

Hi, I need help regarding the particles for the following phrases. For 1 and 2, I do not understand why で was used instead of に? For 3, 4 and 5, why were 3 different particles being used for "laugh at"? As for 6 and 7, the particles that were used were を, whereas 8 and 9 used で. I am confused.

1. かすかな声笑う
laugh in a dim voice

2. きざな態度笑う
laugh in a snobbish manner

3. 自分のジョーク笑う
laugh at one's own joke

4. 自分の惨めさ笑う
laugh at one's own misery

5. 面白くないこと笑う
laugh at something that isn't funny

6. 氷の上滑る
slide on the ice

7. テーブルの上滑る
slide on the table

8. 床の上滑る
slide on the floor

9. 階段滑る
slip on the stairs


失敗をしない人間はいない。 いるのは失敗から立ち直れない奴と
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