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Sparda (Offline)
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Talking 04-22-2011, 01:25 AM

Originally Posted by Supperman View Post
I'm a native-Japanese speaker who has been studying English for over 30 years.
I can speak English as a second language to some extent, and I can communicate with non-native English speaking people to some extent.
Yet if you are a native-English speaker, you know that I'm not a native-English speaker, because my English sentences are different from natives' English.

I think there are several levels of a language. For example;
Level one; unable to communicate, always
Level two; able to communicate, sometimes,
Level three; able to communicate, 75%,
Level four; able to communicate more than 90%, though unnatural as a native tongue
Level five;able to communicate always, almost natural
Level six; able to communicate perfectly, and identical to native-speakers

As a learner, one should have the aim to what level he should go.
As a teacher, one would think what level he should request the learner to obtain.
They doesn't match from time to time, which is the cause of your trouble, right?

It depends on the situations.

If I want to take a comfortable and cheerful time with a foreign people, the Level three might be enough. My aim is not to correct his grammar, or not to improve his Japanese, but have fun with him, talking with him. In such cases, if he speaks Japanese with the level three, I would say "nihongo ga o jyouzu desune!"

If you want to improve Japanese to the level six, you should say to us about it. Then we will help you. But being-strict might be very tough thing to both of us.

And now, suppose I would request you the proofreading of my English sentences here, what will you do?

If I say that I want to become the level six, then you have to correct most of my English, don't you?

Besides, if I say that I only want to become the level three, then you just correct a few sentences, and you would say that my English is good,
wouldn't you?

I don't think it is the nature of Japanese people, but common to all human beings.
Hello there dear, im really new here ive just signed in here and im desesperately looking for some alive kind japanese that could help me out with the language but for now id like to know how to write by Juanita (my name) in japanese because id like to start to use hiragana or so as signature aswell for my drawings in my DA site !

Could u help me out please >_<!? Its been almost a year that i cant find a single japanese at all over the net, really difficult! I have a crazy love for them >_< and i watch animes often thats why i believe id learn it quicker than the usual and anyway took me about 4 months to go to the supposed lvl 4 at english so i hope going to level 3 in japanese in 6 months at least so i can understand what the anime stories say, thats pretty much a good start for me >_<! but im confused bout kenji, hiragana etc >_<

could u tell me how i write by Jojos as signature in my artworks in hiragana or kenji Dx?? or both perhaps?

Please >_<

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