Thread: English is Easy
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(#27 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
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04-22-2011, 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by myk View Post
I disagree. Grammar is of vital importance when it comes to learning English. English is a language full of words (and sometimes contractions) that can be easily mistaken for other words that sound just like them, but have completely different meanings.

Ex) your, you're
there, their, they're
through, threw

I think it's especially important to learn the meanings and applications of words like these early on. It's becoming very common for even native speakers to misuse words like the ones mentioned above due to laziness and general apathy towards proper usage. However, I understand that those just starting out wouldn't necessarily get these details right away, but they still need to be reinforced.

others may disagree with me-- but childrens nursery rhymes are good for learning some of those pairs of similar sounding words.

I agree that it is important to learn and understand those words that are spelt differently-- but have the same sound.

Even we English have problems with our own language and it is forever changing, using slang and colloquialisms etc.

When I was young and someone asked me "How are You?" I would reply, I am fine thank you. Now with the same question the answer is "Good" instead of fine.

Yet the weather can be FINE and sunny--so when we said Fine-- we meant that everything was going well with us.

I am sure we have picked up many Americanisms.

I guess that all languages are constantly evolving.

I admire everyone who makes an effort to learn any language. Many of we English people can be lazy because of the English Language being a second language around the world.

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 04-22-2011 at 11:27 AM.
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