Originally Posted by GoNative
I probably should have said 'I hate attempting to travel during GW'.
So you love travelling in Japan during one of the busiest holiday periods of the whole year? You love paying at least double the normal cost for accommodation if you are able to actually find any availability to begin with? You love being in huge taffic jams in nearly every town you try and drive through? You love nearly every nice destination in the country to be incredibly crowded? It's a nice time of year but it's not a great time to travel. I've always preferred to work and take the public holidays as time in lieu to be used at a quieter and cheaper time. But hey if you're not able to do this then I guess you don't have that choice.
And making disparaging comments about any foreigner who dares have any opinon about Japan is a very familiar line from yourself.
He is Japanese , he was tought to comply and do not complain. I am with you man, travelling during GW is retarded.