Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Many people write を as "wo," including myself. That being said, it's a good example of why you should use kana instead of romaji ASAP when beginning the language.
When I write in romaji, I prefer to write "jitu ha mattaku sirimasen" for じつはまったくしりません because that's how I type it in Japanese.
Yes, indeed. I am shying away from romaji as fast as I can. It's just really hard for me to find the kana on my iPhone and it just makes it simpler. There are actually a few people in my class that were quite surprised when I told them they'd never see romaji in Japan, save for train stations and very few other places. I knew from the get-go that I needed to ween myself from that crutch as soon as possible. Even though the textbook we use is the romanized version of Japanese For Busy People, I answer and write all I can in kana; it's the only way to learn them.
Thank you both for your input. It's greatly appreciated! And I did translate that....