Originally Posted by GoNative
Why do you need to have a creator at all? Why does that matter? And even if there was some mystical creator of the entire universe do you really think it would be so vain that it would require the populace on this little planet to worship them? What is the point of that? It's just so utterly ridiculous. Religion is made by man to control man. Whether there be this mystical creator out there or not I don't believe any religion is anything other than a human construct. The myriad of supposed gods that mankind has believed in throughout the ages is testament to that. Whether it's Mohummad or Jesus or Zeus or insert your favourite god or prophet they're all just as ridiculous as each other. Time for people to move on from these ancient superstitions.
Amen (lol)
I completely agree here.
Religion (at least the ones which require a belief in stuff that is either true or untrue) is for idiots..
(Just thought I'd get in my shot before the thread is closed)