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Kozyra (Offline)
Son of the Desert
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04-23-2011, 03:31 AM

Originally Posted by GoNative View Post

There is nothing to suggest we have souls. There is nothing to suggest there is any 'life' after death. If you want to believe in fairytales designed to control your behaviour then go right ahead. There is nothing logical or rational about belief in such things. Which is the whole problem I have with religions. They require you to suspend normal logical and rational thinking and just have faith in fairytales that are obviously only there to control the masses. What I have never understood is how do you believe your fairytale is a better fairytale than the Christian explanation or the Bhuddist or Norsk mythology or the Greek gods or Roman gods or the endless other fairytales that have been told through the ages? What makes you think your little fairytale is the right one?
Because of the miracles in the Koran, where the Qur'an describes some aspects of space, and in the Qur'an there is in the theory of relativity, and There are a lot of miracles too , and because it is something consistent with the human mind.
As you know, any country in the world have one president, sets the laws and the Constitution.
Well I believe that this world is a state and Allah is its president , and Qur'an is the Constitution , and all the laws of nature are its laws .
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