Originally Posted by Kozyra
Can I ask you something ?
Can we make a car with engine and wheels without a factory or engineer ?
Is this supposed to be some analogy with the creation of the universe?
If you actually read something other than your beloved Quran then you might know that theoretically in physics it is completely possible that a universe can be created without the need for a god to get things kick started. Does science have all the answers yet? Certainly not but we do know a hell of a lot more than they did during the time the Quran was written up by men trying to create a religion. Science continues to move on with discovering more and more about the world and universe around us. Religions do not move on. They require you to stop using your brain and just accept things on faith. They stifle the ability to learn and grow our understanding of the universe around us. No need to learn anything really beyond what is written in a book that was written over 2000 years ago is there? All the answers you ever need are in that book yeah? Same goes with all the fools who believe in the Bible. Nutters the lot of you! LOL