Originally Posted by Nyororin
I think that when people point this out in regard to Japan, it is the short length of time it takes / has taken for things to be go from completely foreign to irrevocably Japanese. Things can go from being completely unknown in Japan to being a deeply ingrained part of life in a very short period of time - and often ending up with a Japanese enough flair to make it unique. Or at the very least, to make it seem as if it had always been there.
I don`t really think that any specific part of Japanese culture is unique - it all exists elsewhere in some form or another. I don`t think that anyone would debate this. It`s the specific combination of the traits that is unique to Japan.
I think I agree. Which means that it is true with other cultures too.
I would say that all cultures are unique in that they are a specific combination of traits. But they are the same in that these traits all exist within them.