Originally Posted by GoNative
But you sit on opposite tables. According to each of your fairytales the other will go to hell. You can't both be right can you? 
Of course we can't both be right , it's a bet, and the loser will lose everything.
Originally Posted by GoNative
And what about the 1000's of other religions out there? Does the fact that there are so many not tell you they are just the creations of man?
First of all there is one God and he is Allah , there are three divine religions said that , not only Islam, but some people misrepresented Judaism and Christianity, so it came as the last divine religion "Islam" and God have vowed to protect this religion.
Originally Posted by GoNative
If your gods are so powerful that they created the entire universe you would think it would be pretty easy for them to reveal themselves to all peoples on this planet wouldn't it? Just do it once and we're all convinced. Compared to creating the whole universe I would think this would be a walk in the park. But no these all powerful, all knowing gods just choose a few select people to cryptically reveal their divine message! It's just so completely and utterly ridiculous... LOL
There is no need to do that , everything points to the Creator, Yes, we can not see God by our eyes , but we see God with our hearts, and we feel it too , not all of what the eye sees is the fact .
Originally Posted by GoNative
I can understand why there is no debate on religion on this forum. It's because no rational or logical discussion can ever be held on it. Because religion is not rational or logical. It's irrational and illogical to have total faith in something for which there is no proof whatsoever. Such faith is certainly not a virtue. It's a restricts peoples ability to keep an open mind on the world around them.
No comment. I have proved many times mentally that religion is logical and not as you claim , but you didn't answer , I have shown you four miracles in the Koran and you could not give me a logical answer to any of them.