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(#46 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
04-24-2011, 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by Trifectionx View Post
btw, yes. manchester is in england. . .
No need for sarcasm, if you had any common sense you would realise that many UK universities - same as anywhere worldwide - take in a high number of international students, and thus being in an English university does not mean that you are English.

Your level of English, like it or not, is somewhat appalling. I've thought you were a non-native speaker on many a post and thread, but your use of idioms and abreviations threw me a little. Your posts are very hard to understand in my opinion, and I'm a few months away from graduating in English Literature. Other native speakers seem to struggle, too, and they also have all said the same thing.

Now - logically - if non-native speakers struggle, or at the very least find your style irritating and offensive, what do you think the non-native members of this site will think? We have French, German, Japanese, Arabic . . . how many of them will understand "btw" or "ur", or will struggle with your infuriatingly awful grammar and punctuation? It's cruel, lazy and ridiculous to use such English and expect other people to understand you, or to get annoyed when they ask you many times (politely) to speak in a more formal manner. If you are in Mensa then I worry about their standards. You lack common sense, but you have shown also no academic sense or intelligence. You criticised Dogsbody's use of English too, other member's as well, but it's no defence of your own English, and - frankly - at least I can understand the other members.

Sorry, to everyone else. My rant is now over

Last edited by RobinMask : 04-24-2011 at 03:49 PM.
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