Well I looked around for a sword thread and didn't find one. Since its not possible to have a japan forum and not talk about Katana's I though I'd make a thread about it.
I will mention here however, that talking only about Katana's will not keep this thread alive for very long. However, on the other hand I want this thread to be related to japan so as to keep with the whole idea of a Japan Forum. That being the case, this thread will contain:
1. Information on Katana (other swords/types may be quoted for comparison purposes only)
2. Pictures of katana. (Other swords may also be shown for comparison purposes)
3. Pictures/descriptions of non-real swords - These are also called fantasy swords. However, it is important that these swords be related to japanese culture in some way for them to find a place in this thread.
4. Pictures/descriptions of swords appearing in Anime - This is an effort to allow posting in this thread regularly since regular anime almost always contains some kind of sword. It is to be noted that not all anime deal with Katanas and in those cases that don't it is still alright to describe or post pictures of those swords here.
and lets face it - everybody loves to drool over a cool sword
Before we move on to the actual descriptions/posts, some dedications are in order (as nard-kun has shown us all
I dedicate this thread to...
1. Eki (Gotta start with the boss
2. Gwen, Kudou, Kanji and Vesperd (yep he's now around
) for modding and maintaining such a wonderful atmosphere here at JF.
3. JF old members (Avary-sama [coz he's the official JF ninja], NinjaKasumi, Samokan-chan and a whole list of others)
4. Some special people (and my oldest friends here) on JF *yay* [I.Doll, Nard-kun, Rikku-dona, Superwoman!]
5. My bestest pals here [All the above
plus Fuu, Kitski, DT, Carry, Trainy, Hisu, Kakashi, K-cube, Kat, ObscureLove aaaand DR! <and this list goes on and is growing each day>
5. Everybody else! <list too exhaustive to name
So without further ado...
I would also like to mention a couple of helpful hints when posting on this thread:
1. Please don't paste pics that are bigger than the page length. Instead
paste the link to the pics so we can follow the links to see the pics in their original beauty!
2. Don't quote pictures when you post. Just quote their links. This means that you need to manually and
explicitly remove the img and /img tags when quoting people.