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(#583 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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04-25-2011, 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by masaegu View Post
Until you are near-fluent, no one will really care which one you use. When you get to that level, some people might care. Many, including native speakers, still will not.

Technically, it's all about the intentions and actual movement of each party. The arrows below indicate the direction of the physical movement.

Speaker--------->---------->----------->-------------> A's place or Random place

*Includes accidental bumping on the street.

Aさん会った Two parties wanted to meet each other.
Speaker--------->---------> Place X <--------<---------- A

*Place X can be either the Speaker or A's place. Point is they both agreed to meet.

This means Pitt wanted to meet you as well. The two contacted each other and met up someplace.
Thank you for the corrections!