04-26-2011, 03:38 PM
Greetings to one and all!
My name is Aadi, it's a short form for a much longer version which I'm not going to get into at this point. I'm new to JF and haven't popped in for a while, and this thread looked promising, so here I am! I'm an Indian who has grown up in Dubai, did a stint of college in the States and Canada before returning to India to finish my B.A English. I'm doing my M.A in Literature right now, and going to start learning Japanese next semester, to improve the rather questionable base I got from watching innumerable anime with rapt dedication.
I intend to try and get a job teaching English in Japan after a year or so, so if there any any Nihonjin here who want a little help with the language, then please feel free to send me a PM with your email, and I'll get back to you as soon as my lethargy allows! That was a joke by the way. I'm serious. Really I am. Because I could use the practise, and besides I could use a lot of help myself with Nihongo. And for those of you who are wondering why I've misspelled practise, I haven't. I just use UK English. So there. *Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah*