Originally Posted by MMM
It's hard to be critical of people's opinions... I mean your favorite movies are your favorite movies, and there is little that can be said to change one's mind.
I am a little surprised how modern your choices are, Suki. My favorite era of American cinema, at least, is about 1967 to about 1980, when the studio system was turned on its ear, and the inmates were running the asylum to create movies like Easy Rider, The Graduate, Midnight Cowboy, Dog Day Afternoon, Marathon Man, and many other movies that could never be made today.
Now that you mention it, I'm suprised that Easy Rider hasn't been included on any of the top movies lists that I've read, critics or consensus. Not only did it start a new wave of far-out filmmaking, but it solidified Dennis Hopper's place in the big leagues, and was Jack Nicholson's breakout role.
And did I mention the soundtrack?