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(#278 (permalink))
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Ronin4hire (Offline)
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04-27-2011, 03:41 AM

Originally Posted by Nippom View Post
It is inappropriate on its very face to call into question the subject of donating to Japan's quake victims, and to add 'insult to injury' by adding disparaging remarks which attack the moral standing or character of both the Japanese people, those wishing to make quake relief donations to them, or those defending such actions and their sympathizers.

The originator of this thread is inflicting enormous psychological damage not only on the contributors to this thread, but to readers of the thread and others, which may include actual Japan quake victims themselves, with his use of spurious, devious and prevaricating arguments and counter-arguments gaged to provoke and appeal to the more base forms of reasoning, in what appears to me to be an attempt to drag everyone down to some lowest common denominator of a most vulgar and unseemly nature.
I never insulted Japan or Japanese people. In fact as I've said numerous times in the thread.. Japan is probably one of the places I have a strong emotional connection with.

It was a purely rational plea, that people like you took exception PURELY based on your emotional disposition.

If you're offended then I don't really care. Because I've said nothing wrong.

Originally Posted by Nippom View Post
I've never seen a better object example of a troll in action than when I began reading this thread from the very first post.

In spite of this, the response from other japanforum members has been overwhelmingly polite, courteous, patient, compassionate, tolerant, and well-reasoned, showing the finest examples of those rare and special qualities which we hold dear and respect and admire so highly in Japanese culture.

Domo arigato gozaimasu. (humbly bow.)
lol.. what thread are you reading? Some of the people here were equally as "rude".

Things got out of hand because I was repeatedly frustrated with having to repeat myself.

I'm not apologizing though.. just explaining.
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