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(#17 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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04-27-2011, 10:23 AM

I'm looking forward to this, but I'll be in exams all day, so I'll probably have to watch replays at night!

I don't think it's blown out of proportion at all! It's an important event which deserves all the luxury it's getting... Talking about global crisis and taxes etc is kinda stupid in my opinion! When Cameron can afford to give £650million to Pakistan, I'm sure Britain can afford to INVEST in a wedding that will pay dividends for years to come!
And talking about the royal family as a reminder of an opressive regime is even more stupid! It's always easy to look at the evil in countries/states/empires etc, but somehow all the good is forgotten... Without the Royal Family, there wouldn't have been an empire, without the empire, the world would have taken a different path in 1940!!!
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