Originally Posted by unicornjp
確かにRonin4hireさんの言うとおり、実は日本はそれほどmo neyに困っているわけじゃない。
国債の発行(個人的には止めて欲しいけど)、増税、外国 に投資している資産の引き上げ、
子会社の売却等々、復興資金を捻出する手段はいくらで もある。現に東京電力は海外事業
もしこれらの手段を使うとしたら、最初は海外からの資 産引き上げ、子会社の売却になるだろ
うと思う。外側から切り崩していって、極力日本本体が 痛まない方法を取るのは当然だから。
でもこの手段は世界経済の現状を考えると、困る国がた くさん出てくるでしょ。支援の催促と取
I think you make a very good point,
Japan could easily pay for the repairs and recovery of the damages it incurred by forcing other countries to repay national debt or selling off-shore subsidiary companies or many other ways which would avoid an economic crisis in Japan.
But, as you said, if Japan did that, it would shift the economic crisis to those countries.
The alternative is donations as you implied, but it's no solution. Regardless of who pays for it, natural disasters take their toll on humanity.
Regarding the Haiti vs Japan issues. The total sum required to bring either of the places back to their former glory is like comparing a hotwheels toy car to an F1 prototype model.
And then there's the factor that the dollar given to Haiti may find it's way into a greedy pocket a lot more easily than in Japan.
Those are my two cents.