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(#283 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
04-27-2011, 04:41 PM

TO Nippom,

I understand and agree with much of what you are saying. The OP acknowledges in his first post that the title of this thread appears heartless, and I can understand the disappointment you felt in reading such a title in a forum dedicated to Japan at a time when Japan is going through the worst natural disaster in modern history.

The OP says the purpose of the thread is to bring attention to places that need money more than Japan, but my suspicion is that it is to get an emotional reaction from well-meaning posters like yourself.

The US Supreme Court has ruled that freedom of speech cannot be suppressed, even if it is people holding up signs that say "God Hates F*gs" at the funerals of fallen soldiers. Of course JF is not held to the same standards as public property in America, but I think you can see my point.
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