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(#27 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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04-27-2011, 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by Carano View Post
Why should I trawl through them in the hope of finding something that I'm looking for
It's nice to see someone admit their selfishness straight up.

Your question was "How should I study Japanese?" It does not seem too specific where reading any number of threads answering this question won't do. You've staked out the position that "I don't want to read threads; I'd rather make you JFers answer this question again." There are a number of very good posts on this subject on this board already. Anything you get in this thread will almost assuredly not get such a good response: I'm tired of answering this question, and I suspect the other advanced learners are, too. My suggestion was intended to be helpful to all.

The fact that you mistake my suggestion for waving an "e-peen" reveals your immaturity. I have no need to read anything you write ever again, so I'm blocking you.
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