Thread: ほど question
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masaegu (Offline)
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04-28-2011, 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
Yes I was using those 2 words as example because that was the first 2 words I could think about.

I was wondering if there was some other difference like intonation. Now that I know the only difference is the length of the sound I will have to pay more attention when I read it. I bet when we students come to Japan, we confuse you a lot with the way we mix those words up hee hee.

Thank you for the answer.
With 場所 and 芭蕉, there is no difference in the intonation. By "intonation", I am referring to the pitch accent. In Standard Japanese, they are both Do-Mi, with the Mi elongated in 芭蕉.

However, that just happened by accident. Consider the following pair of words.

琴(こと) = Mi-Do
The instrument

孤島(ことう) = Do-Mi (with the Mi elongated)
"isolated island"

So, it is not very simple.

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