HOLY GAMOLY! Watching him put that sword away gave me shivers!!!

Awesome video!!
My bro uses Katanas. (Although a tad recklessly and with his silly friends, but hey, he still has some, lol)
Ok, step by step pics.
Attachment 1008
After hammering the steel out, it is cut in half and folded.
Attachment 1009
The folded steel is then hammer welded together, as the forging process continues.
The smith then continues to shape the blade, first with a power hammer and then with a hand held hammer.
Attachment 1010
After forging, the blade is shaped by hand, and then coated with clay, prior to the hardening process.
Attachment 1011
After the claying of the blade, it is heated to critical (about 1450 degrees) and then quenched in water. This process creates the martensite edge and pearlite body of the sword.
Attachment 1012
The blade is then final shaped and polished. This sharpens the blade and reveals the hamon that is created by the hardening process.