04-29-2011, 11:35 PM
I've been reading quite a lot today. And all of the particles are starting to make alot of sense.
It appears listening to audio programs has been a waste, to be honest. I mean the audio was telling to to say such like, anata wa amerikajin desu ka. I know what it means, but it didn't give me any explanation that the 'wa' is a subject marker, etc. I had no clue about these particles until today.
I've learnt alot more in a few hours from reading stuff, as opposed to 5 days of audio BS. Repeating 'automatic' phrases and trying to remember daft things that I wouldn't even ask in Japanese.
So I guess reading is the way forward. I've learnt a bit about verbs, too. I believe Kyle has blocked me, despite my opinion of him being slightly arrogant towards 'newbies'. I'd appreciate if somebody could message him and tell him I apologize for the last remark I made. Afterall, he was right about books being better. So I thank him for that. I'd hope that he'd unblock me.
I learnt Hiragana in 2 hours 15 mins thanks to Remembering the Kana.
Thanks also Godwine. I haven't picked up JfBP at the moment, but I did check out Wikipedia, and got alot of great info from it!