James, If you have worked for language schools-- did they not insist on paper qualifications?
Tellus how you actually started in your teaching when you were living in other countries.
I believe many here iN UK learn The various methods such as TEFL because they know that will get them work in Japan-- but I believe that some schools demand much higher teaching qualifications--.
One of my friends-- had no qualification at all-- and went to teach in Poland. He even married a Polish lady.
I guess it depends on the demands and having to be sure that whomever they employ will be ON the Ball and clearly be aquainted with all the Needs in order to teach really well.
When I see my japanese friends textbooks and all that she needs to learn and absorb-- its hard even for me to understand.
someone mentioned Phrasal Verbs. I had never heard of them, but of course we English use them without thinking. Plus the many idioms we unconsciously use.
ENGLISH PAGE - Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
Advanced English lessons
ENGLISH PAGE - Modal Verb Tutorial
catch phrases:
English Proverbs | The Phrasefinder
ENGLISH PAGE - Present Conditionals
my friend has to learn these and many others. We English have picked them up naturally so often do not realise what they are called.
Prepositions she found really difficult--but with constant corrections- is finally beginning to understand