Thread: Eccentrics.
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(#5 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
05-01-2011, 03:56 PM

I have to ask how we define 'eccentric' in this case. I mean, I've met some very eccentric people, particularly philosophers, and absolutely adored them, but that particular site just doesn't fit my definition of 'eccentric' . . . I mean I glanced through the names and some of those people seem 'normal' to me, but then again, what is 'normal'? Maybe I'm the eccentric one? XD

Anyways, my favourite eccentric is Oscar Wilde. I adore his wit, his charm, his artistic ability . . . and I love his whole life and history, and when he's represented on film it just empthasises his 'quirks' all the more. There you go, Tokusatsufan, an Irish eccentric to go against the English list

If you mean 'character' as in a fictional person I'd need a lot longer to think, lol, but I think there's eccentricity in any age. You ask if we still have them, and I say yes, but I'd argue that true eccentricity is probably 'normality' and 'conformity' in this century. We seem to value individualism, eccentricities, the unique, the wild . . . if you look at fashions, baby names, everything about out culture as it stands today is all about being "unique", which I'd say is a defining characteristic of eccentricity. So perhaps the truly 'eccentric' ones these days are in fact the 'noramal' folk . . . and after all, normal is relative.
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