Great, just my luck.
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05-01-2011, 03:58 PM
I have to begin by asking what the proof is that Harry isn't Charles' son? I mean if it's true, fair enough, but rumours can be damaging - and are somewhat cruel - unless there's evidence, whether that person is royalty or not.
Pure evidence is unlikely with the Royal family. It's the royal family. Rumors, and physical evidence is all we have.
Just have a look at that. James Hewitt was with Diana at the time Harry was conceived. Harry looks more like Hewitt than Charles, has hair colour more like Hewitt's than Charles, and doesn't have a receding hairline (weak argument, but it's there.) Now have a look at Prince William and compare him to Harry and Charles. William and Harry look nothing alike.
Anyway, I can understand your points. My view that Diana was 'wonderful' was more for what she did for the charities. I mean everyone makes mistakes - insofar as the affairs went - and I can't/won't justify those, but despite everything she always tried to help people in any way that she could. It's so rare for royals and celebrities and the rich to help the people, I can't name very many that actively try to help those who are worse off than they are, but I always admired her for her charity work and desire to help others. I also liked how she wasn't so class conscious or snobby, she treated and talked to everyone politely and respectfully, she seemed to treat everyone as an equal and not a 'subject'. She had an unhappy marraige, she may have had affairs, but - despite everything - she always looked out for other people.
Diana was disliked by the Royal family. All she had, were the people and media. I have little love for her, and think she used to media to try and get Britain on her side because of it. I have little love for the Royal family as a whole, mind you.
What someone acts likes, and thinks are two different things tbh.
As for Kate . . . I think there is some love there. When they broke up she could have made millions selling her story to the press, she could have even had a bidding war, and yet she stayed loyal to him and kept quiet, and I don't think that kind of dedication/loyalty stems from greed, I think it's a genuine love, whether platonic or romantic, because anyone else would have taken the money and ran.
You make a good point, but I know I would just keep quiet if it meant I was to be a prince instead. Giving up a lesser greed for a bigger greed is something that can be easily accomplished.
Plus, she could sell her story later anyways.
I actually pity the royals and upper classes, I don't think anyone with any sense or sanity would choose the 'prestige' or 'ability to become queen', not unless they were extremely naive and not all that bright. There's no freedom with being a monarch or royalty. Kate won't be able to work, won't be able to travel freely, won't be able to speak openly on certain matters, won't be able to wear certain things . . . her entire life for the remainder of this marraige is going to be trapped inside a palace being told what to do and where to go and when to do it. Her whole schedule is arranged for her, and - to me - that loss of freedom isn't worth all the money and jewels in the world. She'd either have to be extremely materialistic and shallow, or be very much in love. She's essentially sacrificed her entire life for William.
Bah, you will excuse me when I say this, but that's the talk of someone who isn't in the situation. I can assure you, 95% of the people that are given the chance, would take it.
I know I would.
- “I've been lucky. I'll be lucky again.” -