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StonerPenguin (Offline)
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Location: The Goddamn Bible Belt
05-01-2011, 04:53 PM

Thanks masaegu. And yes, 「書きなけれ ばなりません」 was an incorrect conjugation. I always mess that up...
I have another question on the same topic. How do you say "I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. Could you write it in Japanese too please?" Is 「英語も書いてくださいませんか。」too formal? (TBH I'm not sure where to even begin on the first sentence...)

I don't want to be discouraging though. If you could help me soften it up、 I'd appreciate it
For example, this guy is writing a blog about how he recently started learning Chinese and he wrote "It yet has been a week to study chinese." I think he's trying to say "It's already been a week since I started studying Chinese." I have a feeling he translated もう as "yet" but he only wrote in English so I'm just guessing here.

Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform?