Originally Posted by RobinMask
Err, you may want to edit your post, just you have a quote from Salvanas as attributed to me . . . that may cause some confusion, lol.
I actually fully agree with you on part of your post. I would certainly never want to live the life of royalty, but then Salvanas has a point in that quite a few people do want to live that kind of life. I wonder what the propotion of people would be, how many do want that life and how many do not. I wouldn't want to hazard a guess at a statistic either way, but I am curious why people would want that life. If Salvanas is reading, how come you would choose to be a royal if given the option? I wonder what the perceived pros are that outweigh the cons?
That said, I think Salvanas is right that temperment, stance and body language are as much learned as they are genetic. I won't go into huge details or give scientific proof, I'll leave that to other people to do, but I'm adopted - no biological ties to my father at all - and I can say I actually have many of his speech mannerisms and a lot of his personality. I don't think I have his stance, but then again these things are also influenced by gender, environment, genetics (yes) and other things. I think it's entirely possible that Harry may have learned these things from his 'father', whether biolgical or not.
sorry Robin blame my old age and senility
Ah well you have a right to your own opinion. You do not see how you really are when you are relaxed. Yes, you will have probably subconsciously copied much from your A parents-- but some things that are genetic will still be there somewhere.
Unless you could see your birth parents-- you do not know exactly why you are the way you are any more than I who only met my mother once when I was sevenyears of age-- know any rsemblances.
Genetics can still be found even if a person is unaware.
I have bred dogs for over forty years-- and I immediately recognise certain traits from certain gr parents or or beyond. Genetics will always OUT.
I see it strongly in one of my gr daughters who is Sooo Like her father and gr father in so many ways-- yet she did not live with either of them.
She has BI Polar-- is a total control freak-- Looks like her father and gr father.
Anyway its always a fascinating subject which is why many people who do not know their own parentage-- are desperate to Know.
Have you seen the recent programmes about tracing family-- one young man was so desperate to find his father-- when he did-- they were so Alike not only physically but also in their chosen careers.
no doubt if one is brought up in one family-- then one will have many of their traits-- but still the genes are different.
I often wonder why I am the person I am. why I have certain tastes and loves or dislikes.