Originally Posted by StonerPenguin
lol @ illstyle
When you meet her in person isn't it going to rapidly become apparent that someone else has been writing your messages for you? How are you guys gonna even talk to each other? Sorry if that sounds rude, but I've gotta admit my curiosity is piqued.
Also, regarding your question:
You could say "How do you write this in Japanese?" or "How do you say this in Japanese (No romaji)?" Although for the most part we don't use romaji on this board anyway, because it's something serious students try to avoid. Only weeaboos use it. Like in "Baka I'm studying Nihongo ^___^" or "OMG r u a real nihonjin KAWAII desu ne"
Oh yeah, I forgot about this post. Sorry, late reply :P
Yeah, I'm pretty sure she knows I'm being helped lol. I've sent her some really short google translated sentences, and some full sentences that I got from you guys so yeah, I'm pretty sure she knows :P and I have no idea how we're going to talk, I was just planning to take her sight seeing and taking a bunch of pictures with her at those certain places. It would be an awesome memory
And it's alright, don't feel like you're being rude, I would probably wonder the same if I were you
Thank you for answering my question too! And thank you again for that translation! Cheers!