05-02-2011, 10:10 AM
Yes Robin much of this would be better by PM.
There is nothing at all wrong comparing animals with humans-- we are all Animals aren't we?
Breeders of rabbits would learn more quickly because of the way rabbits breed so quickly.
Considering that animals are used for experiment they cannot be removed from the situation.
Race Horses are extremely valuable, they are bred for specific purposes, so their breeding plans have to be thoroughly examined in order to continue to produce top class animals.
I studied the pedigrees of all the cairn terriers way back to the 1953's because I was aiming to produce the best type of little dogs that I could. I knew many of those dogs in the pedigrees personally- having been involved since 1953-- and their temperaments, physical assets or faults etc.
Certain breeders produced a recognizable TYPE for their Kennel.
Any devotee of the royal family also I might hazard a guess likes to study their pedigrees-- and as so many were illegitimate-- that would put some flys/flies in the ointment.
I will talk about your own circumstance privately.But as your mother is actually your Biological mother-- then you know her don't you?
It was not an adoption into two strangers home.
Any Experts on the history of the Royal family on here?
I do not know Major Hewitt-- so cannot compare Harry to Him-- but Diana's brother has red hair. It was when I saw Harry sitting next to Philip in a previous SERVICE at the Abbey I forget which one- but it immediately struck me how like Philip he really was. Seeing Harry walk alongside his brother William the other day-- I thought even more how like Philip he was in his walk and stance--Will we ever know? anyway I like him a lot-- He has loads of personality and daredevilment in him.
By the way some of my friends also believe that Hewitt is the father. The royal family must have done a DNA test surely? would they kick Harry out if he is not a son of Charles?
Last edited by dogsbody70 : 05-02-2011 at 10:12 AM.