Originally Posted by delacroix01
I'm currently having troubles with some words and phrases I haven't learned yet, so I need to ask some questions.
1. I would like to ask about the phrase 言われるまま. Does it mean "as I was told" in this case?
2. マドカは正確に右目を狙ってきたナイフを、あろうこと か正面から手のひらで受け止める。
a/ Does 正確に modify for 狙ってきた?
b/ Does あろうことか mean the same as とんでもない?
3/ 手のひらに突き刺さったナイフ、それを握りしめるマド カ。
I'm not very sure about the meaning of the verb 突き刺さる in this context. Did the knife pierce Madoka's palm? Or did she catch it unharmed?
4. AICの停止エネルギーをかわし、マドカは飛び去る。
Does かわす mean "to dodge"?
By the way, does the symbols 自五 and 他五 in dictionaries mean intransitive godan and transitive godan verbs?
1. Yes. S/He obeyed the guy/gal.
2a. Yes.
2b. Not quite. It menas とんでもないことに. = "unexpectedly" or "surprisingly".
3. It pierced into her palm.
4. Exactly.
You are correct about the 自五 and 他五.