Originally Posted by RobinMask
That was one of my points, lol. Turn on the BBC or yahoo.co.uk and notice the lack of Bin Ladin stories, even try NHK for Asian news, then try CNN or yahoo.com and notice how the Americans are treating it as if Jesus is walking amongst us or as if world peace has been declared or as if cancer had been cured  I just didn't uderstand the American-level of hype.
It's all about how one can relate. I'm sure news was pouring from the UK about the recent wedding, and while America and the rest of the world covered it, it surely didn't have as much significance as it did to England. The Bin Laden story isn't not being covered; there were news flashes about it on all of the prompter screens as I walked through Tokyo station today. I found out about the news simply from being in Japan and walking through the station before I heard what happened from a western news source. But there's definitely more significance to it for Americans.