And the conspiracy theories begin
iv seen some good ones today as good as a guy who walked on water and turned water into wine but hey seeing is believing right.
As much as i am happy this guy is dead the situation has not changed. I would be happier if we would were out of the middle east. If the middle east is going to change or wants to change it needs to do so without our involvement. How long has this gone on for. Let them kill themselves, let them turn their own land into a crater hell i dont care if they turn their countries into freakin glass.
Osama was more symbolic then anything and though this might wound the extremist factions of Islam it wont stop it and of course expect reprisals. I dont think we should take away from others peoples pride and joy if that's what they feel especially the residents of New York and Washington Dc which i live outside of. I didn't give a frack about that Royal Wedding yet i was subjected to it everywhere i went this is the same thing. Let the people have their day.
If anyone believes Obama did this for elections purposes well all i can say is it must be nice to live in a world of daisies and butterflies. Him doing this now would serve no purpose. History has shown that in situations like this calm head, rational never win out against fear, misinformation and a general hysteria of the unknown.