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bELyVIS (Offline)
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05-02-2011, 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by Kozyra View Post
I want to mention some points:
1 - It is not a religious war, Islam and christian has nothing to do with AlQaeda , Osama killed Muslims and Christians and from all religions, it's just as the world think that an assassin has been killed finally , there is no religion Incites of indiscriminate killing, so to all members Should know that Islam has nothing to do with this.
2 - Al Qaeda will not end, the U.S. government should learn that as long as they continue to support Israel and as long as they continue to meddle in the affairs of Arabs and Muslims, al-Qaeda will continue, peace will not return to the world as long as the U.S government has gone continues to support Israel, and Israel in turn kill the Muslims in Palestine.
I hope to pass away the idea in the world that "Muslims are devils and killers" and I hope from the western societies to stop insulting Islam , as the Rev. Jones did in America.
I also hope from Muslims to understand the Qur'an correctly, and follow the Sunnah of their Prophet correctly.
Great post. There are fanatics in all religions who kill in the "Name of God".
America needs to mind it's own business and focus on domestic issues. This will end most of these problems.

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