Originally Posted by Umihito
Well someone with a degree is superior in a way, as they're the ones allowed to live in Japan indefinitely and are generally more intelligent for a lot of areas. If someone's without, and isn't eligible for a WHV, then they have to stay put. But yes, I understand what you mean about it in the English language sense.
And I say otherwise because usually people don't want to go there because they actually want to teach, they only want to go so they can be in Japan and geek out on pop culture, fulfill fantasies etc. :L
I do generally think the Working Holiday visa is a good idea too. I just think it should be more focused on poorer countries that have a lack of English language teachers rather than rich countries like Japan which is already full to the brim with English language teachers.
Again, your comments are incredible ignorant don't you recognize that?
Like I said, it does make you a lot smarter in this particular subject which you studied, just as I am far superior than you when it comes to construction technology. An apprenticeship is just as valuable as a degree. Other people just choose to go different ways and don't go to University. It doesn't make them less smarter. Such an childish thing to say..
Same goes for people who haven't got an A-Level btw. Just because they don't have one doesn't make them less smart. Everybody can get an A-Level when you really put the time into it and when you really want it. You will certainly have more knowledge when you finished the A-Level, however people who didn't archived it in their life doesn't say anything about their intelligence at all.
Also, don't you do the same thing? Why do you want to teach in Japan? Why don't you stay where you are and teach there?? Right, because you want to see the country and their culture. Just like the people on the WHV!
Japan is a country which has a lack of the English Language still. Many, many WHV are recieved with open arms.. I mean ask your self why that is?
The WHV is a culture exchange programm which should be a law in almost every country.