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masaegu (Offline)
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05-03-2011, 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
Again, there's a few questions I'd like to ask today.

1. This is just my guess based on the context, but does 差し引きゼロ mean both bad things and good things happened and they are equal?

2. What does ずずいっと mean? I can't find it in my dictionary.

3. ちょっとくらい缶ジュースを持つの手伝ってくれ
I'm not sure if I really understand the particle の correctly here, so I'll attempt to translate the sentence. Please correct me again if I make any mistake.
At least help me carry these canned drinks.
1. In this context, yes.

2. It means "without hesitation". It is the more colloquial form of ずいと.

3. It is the verb-nominalizing particle, which is why you can add the を to it.

Your translation is good.

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