Originally Posted by masaegu
Big problem.  Here is what you wrote:
Person A: Is Sue's area of specialty economics?
Person B: No, it isn't Japanese. It's computer.
See the issue above? You could say:
Person A: スーさんのせんもんはけいざいですか。
Person B: いいえ、けいざいじゃありません。コンピューター� ��す。
I actually personally never say ~~じゃありません and neither do many other Japanese-speakers but if that's what you learn, let's not discuss it.
I use ~~ではありません. I couldn't quite see how someone could stand the imbalance between the highly casual じゃ and the not so casual ありません.
Thanks for the help so instead of ja armasen I can use ではありません. And I have a question about grammer the ね or よ. Ne is used for agreement?? And yo is used in a sentences like let me assure you tonkatsu is not fish. Is that how u would use them in a sentences ??