Originally Posted by MMM
He was buried at sea as it appears no country wanted him, and this way there would not be a shrine built at his burial place.
I don't know if that's true because I'm not the least bit familiar with the Islamic ways but someone told me that Muslims are always buried underground and it's like a sacrilege for them to be buried elsewhere, so it's kind of odd that his corpse was thrown in the ocean.
Originally Posted by JohnBraden
That's because he's deep in the bowels of the D Ring at the Pentagon, eating the heck out of Twinkies. They rescued him so he can inform on his comrades. I mean, no one looks for someone who's already dead, right?
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.
Originally Posted by JohnBraden
That's my contribution to the conspiracy theorists.... And if you believe that, I got this doozy about Real Madrid beating Barcelona tomorrow in the Camp Nou 7-2.... yeah..... 7-2.....
Awww having a tough time accepting defeat, aren't you?