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ModusOperandi (Offline)
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05-03-2011, 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by Suki View Post
So what? Any person charged with a criminal offense has the right to a trial by jury. He could have been convicted of crimes against humanity and been sentenced to death. "A trial would have taken years" is no excuse. Justice is a human right everyone should be granted, whatever the crime.
Media outlets have repeatedly been claiming that he was given a chance to surrender but resisted. So a trial in this case is impossible.

On the other hand --to your merit -- the latest news on this particular topic is that there are rumors claiming Osama was not armed at all. So you could also be right if this turns out to be true.

My 2 Cents:Morality/Social protocol aside, doesn't really matter whether or not he got a trial. His death was universally understood to be guaranteed since, at least, the Clinton years. If you ask me, I'd actually consider him lucky to have died right there and then in the field. Being captured would have probably led him to a slow and painful death (torture and interrogations).

But of course, we are yet to receive any proof of his death (Apparently they may or may not release pictures of him dead). So any and everything is speculation.
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