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(#686 (permalink))
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masaegu (Offline)
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05-04-2011, 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by delacroix01 View Post
There are some questions I'd like to ask today.

1. シャルの問いかけにたいして、俺は歯切れの悪さを悟ら れないように短く答える。
Can someone please tell me what 歯切れの悪さを悟られないように means? I can find the meaning of each word in my dictionary, but there's no example that is useful enough to help me understand the whole phrase.

2. 家族のこと......もとい、両親に関することは俺と千冬姉 の間では暗黙の了解でタブーになっているところがある 。
Does 間 mean "between (people)" here? And how is it read in the sentence?
1. "so that s/he would not sense the ambiguity in my answer"

2. It is read あいだ. "between 千冬姉 and me"

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