Originally Posted by Koir
Lots of useful information, Yuri. I do agree Western society is more confrontational and concerned with showing power (only have to look at my avatar to see that, heh) and having control of all situations.
Hi, Koir.
Thanks for understanding!
I didn’t meant to offend your culture, and just wanted you to know Japanese people’s attitude.
As for the composition, only a few verbs had to be changed. "Said" was changed to "told" to better demonstrate the action being taken on the object of the sentence by the subject of the sentence. Revisions were also made to the sentence talking about representing strength in Japan and the worst that could happen to a Westerner's reputation with the Japanese people.
I really blew it!!
I forgot what I had learned in Dan’s thread when I wrote my previous post.
I will never forget it. Maybe.
Hope that is of some use, Yuri, and I haven't contradicted myself too much compared to the discussion in the "say/tell" thread.
Thanks as always, Koir.