05-06-2011, 07:51 AM
Of course I know that the people have to come first but it is the attitude that animals do not matter compared to human beings that angers me.
Many animals are treated badly and cruelly on a daily basis-- I am not talking Japan here-- I mean generally.
If animals could talk-- I think there would be different attitude. Many treat animals as mere commodities--Factory farming, Laborotories testing for US.
countries such as China where cats and dogs are skinned alive for their pelts.
Animals feel pain just as we do.
I sincerely hope that all the Japanese people do get the vital help that they need--that the money and aid goes where it should and that some are not left out.
It will take trillions of Yen to try to revive Japan.
I gather that there are so many volunteers being told to stay away because it is too hard to accommodate them.
Japan has a mammoth task ahead. I worry about those within the radiation dangers.