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(#696 (permalink))
Supperman (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Japan
05-06-2011, 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by chryuop View Post
Ok, this is not actually my question, but a question I found in another forum. It got me rather curious. Someone asked for the meaning of the phrase 闘う意味はそれでいい. Now, I have seen and used before Xという意味, but never a verb right before 意味. I looked online and I noticed it not an uncommon now I keep wondering about the meaning. At first sight I would just translate it as "fighting is OK" seeing as 意味 not the grammatical meaning of 闘う, but more a concept/moral I far?
If I see that, without more context, I would imagine the followings.
意味 here is "大義名分" or "意義”  or ”理由づけ” "目的".
=たたかうことの意味はそれでいい。(たたかうという� �味はそれでいい。)
=「たたかう」ことの大義名分はそれでいい。 or 「たたかう」ことの意義はそれでいい。
The purpose of the fight is OK.
The reason of the fight is OK.
The significance of the fight is OK.

For example;
「組合員のくらしを守るために闘う。」 闘う意味はそ れでいい。(闘うことの意義についてはそれで良いと認 めてあげますが、) しかし問題は、タイミングだ。会 社が倒産するかしないかの大事な時にあえてストライキ を起こすのは自殺行為に等しい。しかも集団自殺!

Last edited by Supperman : 05-06-2011 at 11:03 AM.