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(#75 (permalink))
dogsbody70 (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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05-07-2011, 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by Ryzorian View Post
Ronin; Iowa has a deal with China about tradeing hogs and another for corn. These were specifically crafted under then Governor Vil-whoever he was. As to wether the Ag department has any say over it, who knows..they change rules, laws and defacto departments so often, I doubt anybody really knows who's connected to what.

I do understand what your saying about Scottland, It's not quite the same as it is with the States. Does Scottland send anybody to the House of Commons or House of Lord? Does Ireland? Personally I don't know if they do or not. Thought Scottland was a "commonwealth".
actually the scottish national party has just won the majority of votes in a recent election. Unfortunately for we English we are still stuck with David Cameron and the Conservatives. The liberal democrats have lost many many seats.

Many scots would prefer to rule themselves.

Of course they have representatives in Parliament.

Consider that they are able to offer students free places in University-- whereas we in England have to Pay. In the past there have been many battles between the English and the Scots.

Part of the powers of Govt. for Scotland have been devolved from the English Govt. just as Wales and Northern Ireland have.

Scotland is part of Great Britain or the United Kingdom. we are supposed to call ourselves europeans-- but I do not consider myself European at all. I wish we would leave the EU.

Last edited by dogsbody70 : 05-07-2011 at 08:53 AM.
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