05-07-2011, 10:57 AM
Intresting reading but sorry OP nobody actually seemed to answer you original question unfortunatley.
Tho as I said intresting in its way and I feel there are a couple points I could add too.
1)First point is people seem to be leaving out the plural (s), Its not the United Kingdom its United Kingdoms..Wales, Scotland and Ireland each have their own history, culture and heritage prior to the act of union.
Each country makes and enforce their laws (with the possible exception of Wales who share common law with England)
Each have their own governing body (eg parliment, assembley, congress).
2) Second point for the person who couldnt understand how Scotland could be a seperate country and California couldnt.....
The United States of America is a Federal goverment
The United Kingdoms of Great Britain and Northen Ireland is a constitutional monarchy
Short answer is were different...but naybe not so different as you think..I wouldnt call a texan a yankee...you shouldnt call a Scott an Englishman....respect if nothing else.
3) British girls accents sound masculine?
Well were all entitled to prefrences but you can hardley hold somones accent against them.
4) British people are football hooligans/Gentlemen
Here I have no defence 1000+ Brits in one place tend to be complete and utter dickheads...All I can say is you will never find me with them so if you want to see the gentleman Brit make sure hes not part of the mob and you willo never meet a nicer person