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Umihito (Offline)
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Location: Wales, UK
Question Your reaction when you first land(ed) in Japan? - 05-08-2011, 08:33 PM

When you landed in Japan for the very first time in your life, what was your reaction when you landed? What did you do? If you haven't been yet, what do you think your reaction will be?

This may seem quite strange, because most peple will say 'nothing much, just walked through the airport and onto my destination with some excitement,' but the reason I ask is because I've seen a surprising number of people who say that when they touch Japanese soil, they'll collapse onto the floor, start crying and praising God that they're in Japan... right in the middle of the airport. Of course that'll probably never happen... but still, it got me thinking.

There are many people on here and other places that are quite obsessed with Japan. I've never really heard of these kinds of people actually ever making it to Japan though, and backed up by lots of people not even knowing what a 'Japanophile / Weeaboo' is even though they live in Japan, until they came onto this forum.
So when these Japan-loving people actually touch down at the airport, do you think their reaction is quite.... noticeable, so to say?

But yes, I'm interested in everyones reactions, and what you think your reactions will be if you haven't been yet.

For me, I was simply too jet-lagged to be jumping for joy when I landed, and the train into Tokyo just seemed like a blur I was so tired :L
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